Welcome to Couples Latin Dance!
Term 4 2022: Street Latin Salsa (4 weeks)
Course Details
- Tuesdays 7:45pm to 8:45pm
- From 8 November to 29 November (4 weeks, 4 hours)
- Your course webpage is broken down into three sections:
- Music Lists (Spotify)
- Lesson Plans (for the 4 weeks)
- Videos of Demos/Lessons for each Step: Note that I've included multiple videos where possible as I acknowledge that people may resonate with one person in the video over another.
- For more info and videos on Salsa, check out my Salsa webpage here.
I invite you to practise as much as you can together. Even five minutes can make a difference to building your muscle memory and getting you feeling confident and comfortable with the steps.
- If you watch TV, have a quick dance during the commercial breaks or inbetween episodes on Netflix.
- Add a quick dance to your morning routine. Have a short practice whilst you're waiting for the kettle to boil or anchor it to another habit you're already doing such as brushing your teeth.
- Or even adding it to your evening routine. It could be a good way to have some non-screen time with your partner before bedtime!
Lesson 1: Tuesday 8 November 2022
- Forward & Back Step
- Right Turn of Follower
- Can be done in closed frame or open frame (ie two-handed holds - palm to palm OR peeking over the fence)
- Triple Turn Sequence with Man Loop
- Right Turn of Leader
- Underarm turn with leader's left hand
- Underarm turn with leader's right hand
- Switch hands behind the back
Lesson 2: Tuesday 15 November 2022
- Learned Change in Place
- Learned Switch Hands Ochos (Ochos are also referred to as Figure 8 Turns)
- This is a 5 turn sequence...
- Rock Back and Turn the Follower using Leader's Left Hand
- Rock Back and Leader's Overarm Turn - changing to Right-Right Handshake Hold
- Rock Back and Turn the Follower with Leader's Right Hand and Follower's Right Hand
- Rock Back and Leader's Turn with Switch the Hands Behind the Back
- Rock Back and Turn the Follower with Leader's Left Hand
- Back Basic
- This is a 5 turn sequence...
- I've included other Ochos videos below; we didn't explicitly cover these steps in the class:
- Basic Ochos (Figure 8 Turns)
- This is the beginning part of the Hand Switch Ochos combination we learned in the class:
- Rock Back and Turn of Follower with Leader's Left Hand
- Rock Back and Leader's Overarm Turn
- Rock Back and Turn of Follower with Leader's Left Hand
- This is the beginning part of the Hand Switch Ochos combination we learned in the class:
- Cascading Ochos
- Basic Ochos (Figure 8 Turns)
Lesson 3: Tuesday 22 November 2022
- Revised Hand Switch Ochos (ie 5 Ocho Turn Sequence)
- Learned Arm Lock of Follower with Change in Place Exit
- Start in Two-Handed Hold and do 1 x Forward & Back Basic
- Half Basic on 1-2-3 then Arm Lock of Follower on 5-6-7
- Exit using Change in Place move (that we learned in week 2)
- Learned Arm Lock of Leader with Loop of Follower and Leader's Duck Under
- Start in Two-Handed Hold
- Arm Lock of Leader on 1-2-3
- Loop of Follower on 5-6-7 (as you continue Forward & Back Step)
- Duck Under of Leader on 1-2-3
- I checked the video and the leader just stood still as he did Duck Under
- In class, I did a side step to Leader's Right
- Finish Forward & Back Basic Step on 5-6-7
Lesson 4: Tuesday 29 November 2022
- Learned Arm Lock of Follower with Cross Body Lead and Inside Turn
- Learned Wrap (variation of Cross Body Lead and Inside Turn)
- Revision:
- Triple Turn Sequence of Follower with Man Loop
- Option to do "Sunshine Arms" to exit
- Option to do "Sunshine Arms" to exit
- Right Turns of Leader - underarm turn or switch hands behind the back
- Hand Switch Ochos (the 5 turn Ocho sequence)
- Arm Lock of Follower with Change in Place
- Arm Lock of Leader with Lady Loop and Man's Duck Under
- Triple Turn Sequence of Follower with Man Loop
*** VIDEOS ***
1 - Forward & Back Step
This video includes three basic steps in Salsa - (a) Forward and Back, (b) Side Step and (c) Open Out (called Half Swing or Cumbia in this video)
This video also includes three Salsa Basic Steps - (a) Forward & Back, (b) Side Step and (c) Open Out Step (called Cumbia Step in this video)
The video below explains the Forward & Back Basic Step in greater detail.
2 - Right Turns of Leader & Follower
This video shows the Right Turns of Follower and Leader using the Leader's LEFT hand only.
This video shows the simple variations that the leader can use for the Ladies Right Turn.
3 - Leader's Right Turn with Switch Hands Behind the Back
Remember in class, we learned that the Leader's Right Turn is available in three arm variations:
- Underarm Turn with Leader's Left Hand - refer to videos above for step 2 Right Turns of Leader & Follower
- Underarm Turn with Leader's Right Hand - refer to video below for step 3 Triple Turn Sequence
- Turn with Switch Hands Behind the Back - the video below shows this version
4 - Triple Turn Sequence with Man Loop
This video shows the 5 parts (including the starting basic step) of the Triple Turn Sequence.
5 - Change in Place
This video shows a move called Change of Place, which is the FIRST part of the Figure 8 Turn / Ochos.
- Rock Back and Turn the Follower with Leader's Left Hand on 1-2-3
- Back Basic on 5-6-7
6 - Ochos Basic with Leader's Left Hand Only (with Leader's Overarm Turn)
I've always known this move as Figure 8 Turns.
This is the beginning part of the Hand Switch Ochos combination we learned in the class:
- Rock Back and Turn of Follower with Leader's Left Hand on 1-2-3
- Rock Back and Leader's Overarm Turn on 5-6-7
- Rock Back and Turn of Follower with Leader's Left Hand on 1-2-3
- Back Basic on 5-6-7
7 - Cascading Ochos (we didn't cover this move in class)
- Start in Two Handed Hold
- Forward & Back Basic
- Rock Back and Turn Follower with Leader's Left Hand on 1-2-3 - Leader switching to his Right Hand (Follower's Left Hand)
- Notice how this move is much more connected. Leader is tracing his arm around Follower's Back and down her Left Arm.
- Rock Back and Leader's Underarm Turn with Leader's Right Hand (with what I call "platter hand" for Leader) on 5-6-7
- As Leader goes into his turn, he places the Follower's Right Hand on his Left side.
- Follower then traces her hand around Leader's back and Leader catches her hand with his Left hand.
- Rock Back and Turn Follower with Leader's Left Hand on 1-2-3
- Then Back Basic on 5-6-7 to exit the move
8 - Hand Switch Ochos (ie: our 5 turn Ocho sequence)
This is the 5 turn Ochos / Figure 8 Turn sequence we covered in class...
- Rock Back and Turn the Follower using Leader's Left Hand on 1-2-3
- Rock Back and Leader's Overarm Turn on 5-6-7 - finishing with Right-Right Handshake Hold
- Rock Back and Turn the Follower with Leader's Right Hand and Follower's Right Hand on 1-2-3
- Rock Back and Leader's Turn with Switch the Hands Behind the Back on 5-6-7
- Rock Back and Turn the Follower with Leader's Left Hand on 1-2-3
- Back Basic on 5-6-7
9 - Arm Locks (or Hammerlocks or Pretzel) of Follower
There are multiple ways you can exit from the arm lock of the follower position.
(A) Hammerlock of Follower with Change in Place exit
(B) Hammerlock of Leader with Loop of Follower and Duck Under
(A) Hammerlock of Follower with Change in Place exit
- The Hammerlock of the Follower is shown from 43:58 in the video below, however they do a different exit to what we learned in class (they do a Double Turn of Follower).
- In class, we did Hammerlock of Follower then Change in Place to exit (remember: we learned Change in Place in week 2 as the start to Ochos - refer Change in Place video above)
(B) Hammerlock of Leader with Loop of Follower and Duck Under
- The Hammerlock of the Leader is shown from 50:36 in the video below.
10 - Arm Lock of Follower with Cross Body Lead and Inside Turn
I've included three sets of videos below.
- CROSS BODY LEAD (foundation)
- ARM LOCK WITH CROSS BODY LEAD AND INSIDE TURN (the move we learned in class incorporating the above plus the arm locks from week 3)
This move is referred to as "Inside Roll" in first video and "Cross Body Turn Inside" in second video.
This move is referred to as "Inside Roll" in first video and "Cross Body Turn Inside" in second video.
- Arm Lock is referred to as Hammerlock Turn or Pretzel in this video.
- The Inside Turn is referred to as Inside Roll in this video.
This is another version of the Hammerlock with Cross Body Turn Inside (we didn't cover this in class). The footwork is the same as we did in class, however, the arms are slightly different. Your mission - should you choose to accept it - is to give it a go!.
11 - Wrap
This is a variation of the Cross Body Lead and Inside Turn sequence.