Class Cancellation Information
Updated: 26 August 2023
WET WEATHER (for Active & Healthy Classes held in PARKS):
- The Brisbane City Council's Wet Weather Policy outlines that activities will be cancelled if the weather makes it UNPLEASANT or UNSAFE to carry out the activity, or if DAMAGE may be caused to the park.
- If a class is cancelled:
- The instructor will notify Council of the class cancellation, so you can check directly with Council by calling 07 3403 8888.
- If safe to do so, the instructor will attend the class location for up to 10-15 minutes to notify participants of the cancellation.
- The instructor may send a text message to regular attendees.
- The instructor will also update the Google Calendar session for that class to *CANCELLED* - check the Timetable page.
- This instructor will add a class cancellation post on the BoogieCamp Facebook page here
- Instructor will notify Council of the class cancellation, so you can check directly with Council by calling 07 3403 8888. The Active & Healthy events page will also be updated with CANCELLED.
- Instructor will send an email to those who have registered for email updates at that class location.
- Instructor may send a text message to regular attendees.
- Instructor will update the live schedule to show the session as *CANCELLED* - check Timetable here
- Instructor will also post the class cancellation on Facebook here